Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Happy Birthday, Hannah

Today is our sister-who-lives-in-Australia's birthday.
She's camping (for some strange reason) and probably won't see this. And it's not even the 20th there anymore.

I've been inside most of the day and didn't take my camera with me on the dog walk, so here's a pic of the pic Gemma drew for me for my birthday last month. It's lovely and clever and full of all my favourite things and I love it.

Today I spent ages tidying our bedroom and trying to sort out all my clothes. I'm very bad at deciding what I need and what I don't. It all looks like jumble to me.
It's tidy now but I'm not sure I won. I counted 36 vest tops. Who needs 36 vest tops?

I'm still getting my head into Autumn and shorter days and lower light levels. I'll get there eventually

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