Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A view from a wedding suite

In the final glimpse into my wedding week I have taken a picture from the window of the Suite I booked for H and M on their wedding night. It shows St Paul's Cathedral and the Gherkin and further round was the Shard and another view showcases the Thames around Blackfriars. So on the dubious grounds that I did not download until today I have offended blip law to produce this pic.

Hope you like it!

I have simply slept and sat around today doing very little. I have to prepare for a conference speech on Wednesday but am back at work tomorrow so will do it then. After that, Thursday I travel to London before flying to Hong Kong. I have a week in HK before going on to NZ for around three weeks then back to HK for teaching before returning home on 14th December. So seven weeks away from home, which is slightly daunting but I hope enjoyable too.

So I will catch up soon, I feel guilty that I have been so remiss and you have all been so kind about my wedding collages. I have just spoken to my daughter who is about to fly to Jordan for their honeymoon. I hope they have a lovely time.

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