Still Here!

By Yorkhull

The Wedding

Well just home from a remarkable and simply wonderful weekend. I am somewhat tired, emotionally drained but so happy for H and M, who are now married and tomorrow off to Jordan for their honeymoon. Everything went so well which is down to my daughter who just got everything running like clockwork. The Camden Town Hall was a lovely venue for the ceremony, even if H ordered me to drive round London for over twenty minutes as she was unfashionably early. I watched nervously as the clock on the taxi ticked round. We had narrowly avoided a huge demonstration in London so everyone got there on time.

The wedding ceremony was lovely, with two great reading from friends, rumours I was in tears throughout abound! Then suddenly we were on our way to Chancery Lane and the Knight Templar building. The venue was stunning and just set the rest of the day off so well. Relaxed atmosphere, some drinks and then food. Speeches followed and my deed was done for the day. More emotion and then the serious business of dancing.

It was a great send off with so many good friends of H, she really is a loyal and enthusiastic friend, and M playing bass in his band for a short set they just looked so so happy. I have to stop now as I shall get more emotional again! More pics on Facebook. I did not take many as I was a bit busy but my son J helped out!

I will try and get back to normal tomorrow as I now begin to plan my time away. Off work tomorrow so plan just to do nothing and recharge the batteries!

Thanks so much to everyone for their lovely comments this week, it has simply been one of the happiest weeks of my life, if not the happiest!

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