Dinner and a show

The dinner was pizza, which we ate at a restaurant on a first floor balcony. The show was watching people walking along in the early evening and others selling their wares on the pavement. Here they were selling mostly shoes and belts, also daily necessities such as nail clippers, hairbrushes and tooth cleaning sticks. As you can see, the majority of people on the streets are young men. The streets of Bahia Dar are a lot less busy than Addis, which is choked with traffic day and night. The main streets are lined with huge palm trees and colourful flowers.
The pizzas were delicious and, together with two coffees (D) and two cups of tea (me), the bill came to less than £5.
Now we're packing up to leave tomorrow on our ferry trip across Lake Tana. There will really be no WiFi for the next three days at least, so no blips, and my comments (which have been few and far between for a week - sorry) will be non-existent. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

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