A new day dawns

D has had a difficult two weeks so now it's time for a little relaxation. Last night we took a 2 hour taxi journey through the dark to Debre Zeyit, South of Addis, to stay at our old haunt, Viewpoint Lake on Babogaya Lake.

We arrived about 9pm. It had been a long, long day. Some vegetables, rice and salad, followed by a comfortable bed, hit the spot.

This morning we were woken at 6am by the Saturday prayers from a loudspeaker near the lodge, so we got up to watch the sunrise. Here is D, having his breakfast.

We spent two whole hours this morning just sitting and watching birds. They were all birds I'd never seen before so I drew them and then looked them up in a book. 28 new species, bright and beautiful.

A trip into town on a crowded minibus (8p each) wandering up and down the shopping streets and having a local beer at a cafe.

Now at a resort hotel where they have Internet access....

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