
By gilliebg

Horseshoe Lake

A miserable day in Marion County; very cold and raining. In the afternoon, I set off in search of something blipworthy, and arrived eventually at this charming little lake. As I alighted from the car, I saw and heard what I think was a Sandhill Crane, so I was quite excited. I hauled myself, my camera, and my tripod, (in case there was anything with which I could practice HDR), a good mile and a half around the lake and it was totally devoid of any kind of wild life whatsoever. A beautiful, quiet lake with frogs and bugs and plenty of water plants and not even a moorhen. At least the sun finally made an appearance, so it warmed up a little.
The guy who was in charge of the place was laughing when I got back. "I could see you ploughing through the reeds over there" said he, " and there was a big red shouldered hawk sitting on the fence over here by your car". I thanked him for sharing this information, and left.

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