Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm


We had a surprise visitor last night... Jiggy has come to stay for a few days.

The girls were very excited to see her, as was I. It's so nice to have her around; so many times I stop to take stock of her presence and just how right it feels to have her with us.

We had a fabulous morning together at Totstime today, with extra visitors of my good friends and their babies! Lodger Liz and Janet came to the session and joined us for lunch afterwards too. Baby Francesca was fortunate enough to be allowed to share Aj's lunch with her, I personally think it was more to do with Aj wanting an empty plate so that she could have her pudding!

We took R&P swimming, which started off really well. Then after taking Aj to the toilet, she decided to throw a screaming tantrum because I had dared to ask her to pull up her own pants and trousers - I mean the cheek of me!! After 5 minutes or so, she finally sorted herself out and we sat down to watch R&P.

At the end of the swimming lesson the girls were asked to pick up a fish from the bottom of the pool. Pops managed to get to the fish before it completely sank and therefore was able to reach it and give it to her instructor. Rubels however didn't and became so determined to get it that she kept going underwater forgetting to get her breath, and ended up panicking. She got frustrated with herself, squawked loudly and started crying. Rubels ended up taking her tantrum at herself I might add too far and became hysterical. I managed to calm her down poolside, knowing that if I moved her away, she would make more fuss by kicking and screaming. But that set the scene for the rest of the night until she went to bed.

Thank goodness it's half term soon!!

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