Floating to the ground

I watched this leaf fall from the tree in my backyard. There was not much of a breeze so it came down slowly. Floating and then twirling before it fell on this spot in the grass. The green of the grass made the colors in the leave stand out even more. It looked so pretty just the way it was.
It was a beautiful day today. The weather has been exceptional. I had my art class this morning. I stopped afterwards at the post office and then home for some lunch. Before long I picked up Nadia from daycare and then came back home to start dinner. My hubby caught a cold the last day we were in Belgium so he's been feeling pretty miserable. Normally I would have him occupy my granddaughter while I cook but he was resting so she was 'helping' me. As dinner was almost done my son and grandson came in.
An ordinary day really. It will probably be the last ordinary day for a while since I'll be picking up the puppy tomorrow afternoon. We finally decided on a name.
We are calling him Dillon. The meaning of the name Dillon is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and is "like a lion; loyal"
Look for a picture of him here tomorrow!

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