A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre


Day 7 of Roadtrip: Serbia to Croatia.

Feeling much better this morning after what turned out to be the best breakfast so far this trip. Not just egg or omelette...but a full continental.

On the way out of Romania we simply joined the motorways and headed off. A slight ignorance of speed limits was demanded to prove that the Saab is indeed faster than an Audi diesel that on paper should win. Excellent.

However our fun on the open road was short lived when we came across the Croatian border. Or at least we hit the traffic 2km away. And it took us 2 hours to get there. I'll let you do the maths on that one. It was somewhere around 30-35 degrees and with 3 or 4 lanes of stationary traffic it wasn't getting any cooler. This is that one time when aircon is a necessity. Made even worse by the distinct lack of checks at the border re-entering the EU. A mere observation that we have passports.

The remainder of the trip was reasonably dull. Long motorways getting most of the way through Croatia to Ivan's place. Although some fun could be had once he met us and we left the motorway - the twisty roads were extremely slippery, but at least they were silky smooth. Nevertheless it reminded me of last year's trip in which many days were spent driving boring roads for long periods of time instead of fun roads like we had over in Romania. It really feels like the home stretch now.

Upon arrival they were already busy preparing dinner. Apparently its a thing in Croatia to make more food then even twice the number of people there could eat. Still delicious though.

Apparently I took only 10 photos today. I just changed it as I feel this one represents the day a bit better - unfortunately.

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