A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre

The Hills are Alive

Day 8 of Roadtrip: Croatia to...Croatia.

So the morning was not really filled with much, but not feeling great still mixed some iffy sleep and a seat in the air-conditioned Audi again was needed. Being at the most southerly part of the trip and heading towards the coast meant it wasn't going to get any cooler. 32 degrees at midday, but at least it was a bit cloudy.

Soon though I was feeling well enough to relieve Arron of the lumbering Saab so he could go and play with the V12. There are worse things to play with over these mountain passes. At least the temperature dropped with the elevation so it was the perfect temperature for a topless cruise.

Arriving outside Rijeka it was very hot out on the plain and meeting up with Aleš was nice but very interesting to see his initially mildly disappointing newish E30. Always nice to have cared for cars though.

After a while of nothing but getting hotter, we finally left for the campsite. Only to return a few minutes later to return Adrian's chair - maybe keeping it in a different car isn't such a great idea when we're going in a different direction.
Arriving at the campsite was an exceptionally nice thing to do and cool down for a relaxed evening. Just how it should be. Plenty of BBQ leftovers, too. Rabbit, sausage, cider and some of the best sleep so far.

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