Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Grammie Teele's Scissors

As the sun set this evening without fanfare or color, I realized that I had not taken even one photo today. Ugh! So after dinner, I returned to my upstairs home office where I have been working all day and decided to find something of value to capture.

Grammie Teele's scissors have always fascinated me. Someday I will get a better photo of them, but one aspect that fascinates me is that the carving in the metal looks to be worn. I've wondered how human hands on scissors could possible wear down the carving. I have no idea. I also think this pair of scissors is somewhat antique looking. Well, Grammie Teele was born in 1885 and died when she was 91, so I guess her scissors would possibly qualify as antiques.

I thought I had nothing to write this evening because I'm very tired. So I was planning to paste-in an email message I received today from our adult daughter. She and her hubby have been separated for over two years and relationships have been strained somewhat. Her husband is like a son to us and their youngest child, our grandson, Emerson who is 23, lives here with us. Anyway, it's been a while since I've heard much from our daughter. So here's her message for today:

Hi Mom:

I'm thinking about you. I have such cool memories of you and Dad and "spontaneity checks." I'm full with ideas for a Wednesday, day one of chapter ten, in the book of 2014. I know that comes from watching you two.

I love you. It's my prayer that you're feeling loved today. So, I'm gonna more than pray, I'll convey.

Yesterday was a Proverbs 3:3 day. I so wanted to tell you about school.
I've missed times when we hang and have good, long conversations.

There are many things I'm thankful for and one of them is the way you encouraged me as a mom. Thank you. Not just for a communication of encouragement, but for all the other actions you took that were fueled by love, support and encouragement.

Happy First Wednesday
What a day.
I love you.

Our daughter works at an elementary school as a teachers aide with mentally challenged children. I have no idea what was happening at school that she eluded to, but I know some days the children are very difficult to handle. She is very good at her job.

She also refers to "spontaneity checks" and those were moments when we just decide to go somewhere and we'd go -- like a drive to Laguna Beach for dinner or something crazy.

The first day of October has now concluded here on the West Coast of the United States. Time certainly seems to fly.

Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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