
By LadyPride

The Dance

Every morning without fail. The dance. Get in the car. I want to walk. Please get in the car...

I worked from home with a bit of a sore head today. Had a mammoth business to business PR proposal to write and managed to get it done thanks to some of the wonderful people I work with. Really pleased with it too. Want the work quite badly (hey the company has an office in Edinburgh and New York for one thing!) but know we are one of three as per usual pitching. Will find out if we're through to the next stage next week. Then it will be an interview panel in London, gulp. Lots of hurdles.

My Auntie kindly came over and babysat as we had a parents evening at Squidge's preschool. Felt really reassured with the school afterwards. What a passionate team of teachers they are, you got the feeling they genuinely love teaching and helping the kids progress. Learnt lots about EYFS - early years foundation stage, the latest thinking on letting children empower themselves to learn through play in a nutshell. Lots of things we could take home and use so it was well worth going. Just towards the end of the evening, one poor Dad fainted and dropped his wine glass which was a bit of a shock. He had some sort of fit but seemed OK when we left - scary though.

We had dinner out at Cau in Wilmslow but we're both too tired and past it to relax. I knew I had to get up the next day to get to Leamington for a meeting too which didn't help. But hey, we went out at least!

Sober healthy life starts now!

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