
By stujphoto

Flying Swan

My blip tonight is a completely fortuitous grab shot. I taken the dogs down to Seafield Pond for their afternoon walk and notice that there were now three swans swimming at the far end of the pond whereas yesterday there had only been one. I walked round the pond hoping to maybe get a close up of one of them but they swam off into the distance. I was walking away from the pond towards the sea wall when I heard a great flapping of wings behind me. I turned to see one of the swan flying away from the pond toward the sea. I pointed my compact roughly in the right direction but could not see whether I was focussing on the flying swan as the sun was quite low and beaming straight into my eyes. I had a quick review of what I'd taken and saw there were maybe one of the shots that was halfway decent, though how I managed this was completely luck of the draw as I had never managed to focus on the swan and was shooting middle distance with a wide open aperture from yesterday's flower macros. When I came to process the shots on the computer I found that it was very over-exposed for that shot but I had another shot of the swan as it flew over the sea that was definitely sharp and reasonably exposed.

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