
So, 5am is the new 7am apparently. Not sure I am happy about this. Especially when Wom has had a bad night and I can count the whole hours sleep on one hand. Oh well, mustn't grumble. Worse things happen at sea.

Ballet this morning, at the new studio. Charlotte was very proud to be wearing her ballet clothes and happy trotted off up the studio. Unfortunately when she was brought downstairs she couldn't see me so became inconsolable - poor love. Think next week they are going to hopefully be downstairs which will make things a bit better. Went via the French deli on the way home which seemed to help.

Home to the sofa and cuddles. I love these moments. Wom snuggled up too and had milk. Happy days.

Charlotte fell asleep around 11:30 so daddy took her up to bed, she slept till we woke her for lunch and then headed out to Croome for some fresh air. Charlotte opted to eat her lunch in Wom's swinging chair?!

Whether it's the lack of sleep or the onset of madness, but we let her take her buggy and Charlotte bear and left the buggy board in the car. Surprisingly she pushed Charlotte bear for about 70% of the time, only asking to go up on daddy's shoulders a few times and riding the frame of the travel system the same amount.

Was lovely to see her caring for Charlotte bear, checking she had her straps done up etc. NT cake consumed and the usual grumble about how much etc, home for rice cakes / playtime and scrambled eggs. Not necessarily in that order.

Bath time was a little fraught as someone was tired, but not too bad. Daddy gone to pub. I'm off to a live screening of Billy Elliot tomorrow and I cannot wait.

Tomorrow, blip focus will be the womster.

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