
Our little man slept the whole night in his cot. He woke for milk a few times, but each time put into his cot he squirmed a while then settled down.
Charlotte gave us the luxury of a 5:50 wake up however, the crying at midnight for an hour slightly took the edge off this,

'Headed to soft play at the local high school, more like bouncy play, but Charlotte really enjoyed it. From here popped to see auntie Katie and Lucy, as we hadn't seen them in ages. Home for lunch then I tried to persuade them both to have a sleep.

I was on exiat today. I went to a live screening of billy Elliot. It was fabulous, amazing. Especially the finale when they had over twenty 'billys' dancing - the first billy, to Billy's who have taken the lead in other countries. Such an experience to see.

Daddy took Munchie and Wom to the owl centre and by accounts they had had fun too.

Love how one little man, who is five months on Thursday, can look so different through just five photos x

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