I want to ride my bicycle

well, my sisters to be more preicse

Early start, but very chilled out morning with none of us being down till gone 7:30. Lee didn't go shooting, but took advantage of the weather to get itnto the pond and sort it out (also helps that the pole people have said they will remove all rubbish at the side of the house to enable access - there may just be more there now than there was on Thursday!)

We went to little soft play and had a fun time. Munchie and Wom loved it and were both quite content to play together bouncing about. Home for lunch. Cuddles whilst we watched the Shaun the Sheep movie (Munchies choice) Once daddy had finished we headed to the swings for a bit, via the shop on the way home to get carrots!

Tea cooked and tomorrows tea too (get me!)
School work (boo hiss)
Another early night planned

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