
By Munroist4113

Hexham Abbey

In the scheme of things, my bitch for the day is paltry and frivolous. After my dentist been unable to get a front filling to stay in, I went today to get the new crown fixed. She was very brusque and I was in and out quickly. On the way out I looked in the mirror and saw this horrible yellow fang. I was upset - none of my other teeth are that colour so it did not match anything. I told her I wasn't happy and wanted her to do something about it. She was even more brusque and said I'd have to go to the technician who made it, taking the impression she'd done. This all took up most of the day. He found a better match and is making me a new one. After it is fitted I'm going to find a new dentist. I started with this one as her mum was a friend and colleague, but sadly she died a year ago, so I have no need of loyalty? Re the blip above - I was not compelled to find religion to see me through the little drama - I pass the abbey on the way to the dentist.

Before I came home I used the voucher my daughters had given me almost a year ago, for a Clarins massage - it was wonderfully relaxing. Then I ate a Greggs pie. (The last bit is is lie).
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