Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Grisedale Tarn

One of the "traditions" that we have made over the years of holidaying in the lakes is that we will have a day out in the hills and this year was no exception.

Myself, Clare, the boys and my dad have headed out to "conquer" another peak. Skiddaw, Saddleback, Catsbells are amongst some the the hills that have been climbed and this year we decided to have a go at climbing a hill called "Fairfield" which is located very near Grasmere. When we decide what hill to climb there is a brilliant map which is in the mill house that we are staying which is in 3D (check out the link to see a picture of one) and its a great way of seeing what the hill looks like before heading out.

My dad decided not to tackle it this year so it was up to the 4 of us to venture out.

On the way up we stopped of at this tarn - Grisedale Tarn - for a spot of lunch and the reflections on it were just gorgeous. I wish I had more camera kit that I did but hopefully you will still get a flavour of the scene that was before us.

The weather was fab and the hill was climbed and much refreshment was consumed when we got back into Grasmere village!!

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