This day

By snapper

More white stuff!

A beautiful day here.
Finished all my reports and estimates and was almost up to speed when I rememberd I had to go to Oban to get guinea pig food, thought I would ask my cousin if she wanted to come with me to Islay as I am working there for 2 days.

"Och I don't want to go anywhere its too cold and its snowing"
"snowing I say, are you out of your mind, its a gloriuous day here "
Bearing in mind Oban is not too far away , off I went and I was just over the high part when the bloody white stuff started falling!

Finally after skittering my way along, I reach Oban and did the shopping and colected my cousin and began my way back , well it was white out and then we reached a huge que of cars, only one driver passed coming the opposite way
" a load of stupid tourists too scared to climb the hill have now bloacke d the road"

As I was near a layby I u turned the car and gingerly slid back to Oban and went via Loch Aweside and guess what? not a drop of the white stuff

It added an extra half hour onto my journey but I made it home long before the poor buggers marooned on the other side.

Feeling quite pleased , dinner simmering, and cousin bought a bottle of plonk, I think dinner will be nice.
Only blot on the horizon? a 5am start tomorrow, eek, ach what the heck I will sleep on the ferry for a couple of hours.

Hope Islay has no white stuff!
Will be MCing the ceilidh on the fri night so need to brush up on my crofter stories!
Oidche mhath all
Good night all

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