This day

By snapper

Westering home!

5am stupid o clock time to get up but rise I did. Had to catch the 7am ferry from Kennacraig to Islay and roads were bad.
Will be working here today and tomorrow and took my big cousin with me as she needs a break and enjoys tagging along.

I left her in Bowmore and went off to do some work, when I finished could I find her! eventually tracked her down to one of Islay's many distileries. As there was a bit of daylight left, we decided to take a run round the Rhinns of Islay! God it was like being on another planet, you drove for miles and miles then all of a sudden you land in a wee seaside village with houses crammed ontop of eachother

It was quite a treck which required us to visit the Port Charlotte hotel where I had an informal meeting and my cousin was whiling away the time consuming brandies supplied by the proprietor.

Finally got her back to Bowmore where we are about to go to Duffies for dinner and some good Islay craic and a dram or three

Anyhow above picture is of my big cousin at the distillery when I finally found her

Slainte everyone, mine is a large one!

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