The Detour

We found ourselves in Alsace today, as I wanted to go to the European Patchwork Meeting, held here every year. I have been twice before, but on those occasions, a number of years ago now, we were actually staying in Alsace. This time we made a detour on our way south.

A quilt show with a difference. Here are lots of exhibitions, of the most beautiful, creative pieces of textile art, held in all kinds of venues in several of the prettiest villages, and the town of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, in the Val d'Argent. Very carefully mounted and lit quilts and pictures hang in churches, village halls, theatres, exhibition centres and everyone can visit in any order they like. People walk from place to place, they drive from one village to another, or they gather to catch special shuttle buses. It is very relaxed and, although there was a bit of cloud and a few spots of rain at one point this morning, the weather is usually sunny and warm, making it a lovely day for wandering from one venue to another. And you can take as many photos of anything you like.

And there are no soggy sandwiches eaten in a corner here! This is a France and the food is viewed as seriously as the quilts. All over the place are tables and chairs and pop-up kitchens for 'proper' lunches. And this being Alsace the favourite is Tarte Flambée - the thinnest, crispiest pizza covered with fromage blanc, onions and pancetta, then baked in a hot pizza oven, as you wait. Delicious! And the main reason I get a chauffeur to this event!

A wonderful day. I didn't see everything, no one could, but I saw lots of inspirational pieces and loved the whole atmosphere of the event. It was well worth the detour. We actually head south tomorrow.

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