
I wandered lonely as a cloud and all that....

I did wander and I wasn't nicking daffys. My friends invited their friends to come and pick the daffodils that grace their property at this time of the year.

So I did. And aren't they magnificent.

Mum loved a good daffy. Dad has looked after her bulbs and says they've put on a fine show.

Funny old start to my day. Somehow I booked physio for 7.00am. I sort of got my head around that but my part of town lost power just before 6. While I have plenty of experience with loss of power with earthquakes, I wasn't slick.

I had to get dressed with only the light of my little lamp. As far as I know my outer garments were worn the right way. Not quite the same with the under garments that ended up either inside out or wrong way round ;-)

It's been a huge week. So much going on at work and at home. I've made it without a bad cold. Next week I'll hopefully have clarity on the carpet.

Between now and then I have a weekend to live :-)

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