
By Grimsayer

Isle de Re moonshine

We did try - honest. But however hard we looked there was no-one in reception as we left and so sadly we had to leave our campsite without paying. It was not as if we arrived left and left early.
The LPBV trial led us to Mornac-sur-Soudre with its pretty white streets and linear harbour. A trail out on the marais led us back to town and a pretty garden where we chatted with the owner and ended up the owners of a painted stone and less 20 euros to an Indian charity.
A brief hack around the coast to the Isle de Re and lunch at a very civilized Sanwicherie (French language purists turning in their grave) on Ars-en-Re (unfortunate name) which is a pretty white town at the western end of the island. We put up tent in the Camping Municipal and strolled down to the beach. Unfortunately in the best Weston-Supermare tradition the sea was but a distant thing and so time was spent reading on the hot sand whilst Tricia went off in a fruitless quest for deep water.
Supper in the second LPBV on the island - La Flotte-en-Re. Not an undiscovered gem but pretty nonetheless and with a wide variety of restaurants to chose from - as long as you eat seafood. Tricia decided to go for it and ended up eating oysters and whelks amongst others. I went for a tamer squid option. Great setting and this image was taken from where we ate just as the live band was starting up.

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