Passing Through

A showery start in the morning but it soon passed and the sun came out for the rest of the day, lovely and warm too :)

The day started with setting things up for Linda's birthday. Linda works with me in the museum and we had a surprise tea party for her, and delicious homemade lemon cake :) After the party and eating too much cake, the day passed slowy.
After work it was a case of grabbing a few things, hook up the caravan and headed north to the isle of Unst for the weekend. Up seeing my sister Julie and planning some walking with Sammy dog. Hope the fine weather lasts over the weekend.

Passing through the village of Brae on my way to catch the first ferry at Toft. We had to stop to get some stores from the Brae shop. The village is busy just now being close to Sullom Voe Oil Terminal with thousands of oil workers working on the gas plant close by. A quiet spell on the roads here, half hour earlier and there would have been loads of buses running the men back after a days work.

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