More of my pens!

Today the weather is so dull that I really didn't fancy venturing out in search of photos, so I ventured in, and decided to blip my set of fineliners that I received for my birthday.

I may or may not have mentioned on Blip before that there is a cat living in our shed. It has been there a few weeks, and we managed to trace the owners. They used to live next door but one, the other side of the drug dealer. They were renting, and didn't stay there for long because of how bad it was sharing a passage with him. I think the last straw was when the police raided their house by mistake instead of the dealers. Anyway, we have left messages and actually spoken to the guy. They acknowledge that it is most likely their cat but they have never come round to collect it! I just don't get it! I have only had Minstrel a couple of weeks or so, but if it was him I would have been there as soon as I found out. It's not fair on the cat! We will give them one more chance, and offer to take the cat to them if the thought of coming back to this street is so traumatic. Otherwise, we will have to get Cats Protection to rehome it. I would take it in myself but for Minstrel and the budgie!

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