Happiness is a cigar...

Today I went to town for a few things - mainly birthday cards and prezzies for Bri. I'm so happy to be working properly and have some cash coming in of my own again! It means I can buy presents! I only work part time for what I guess in the old days would have been called "Pin Money" I realise I'm fortunate not to have to work full time, so I can have time for all my hobbies!

Whilst in town I noticed this man sitting down at the side of the War Memorial, away from the hordes of shoppers thronging the streets, enjoying a cigar. Maybe he was having a break, or just waiting for his wife...

I am very happy to say that the cat who had been living in my shed, now revealed to be a Tomcat named Vanilla, has finally been collected by his owners. The whole family came to get him today, and they were very happy to be reunited! A happy ending to the story. They gave me a lovely bottle of wine to say Thanks too!

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