Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Sixth Sense

Dogs always amaze me.

A few days ago, we were walking in the park and a huge Bernese Mountain Dog tugged at his master's lead until he could come up and greet me. There were lots of people around, but this dog zeroed in on me. He wanted to say "Hello" and give me a companionable "sniff" and a kiss. I was really touched. Did he know that I needed special canine encouragement?

I've been reading some histories of early medicine, particularly back in the late 1700s. Some physicians and other health care workers (i.e. nurses, midwives, alchemists, bonesetters, etc.) used dogs to help them detect infection, cancers and broken bones. I was reading an interesting account of how dogs were used to determine if a patient had diabetes. Back then there were very few things one could do for a patient with diabetes. But if caught early enough, sometimes they could make some modifications in their life and nutrition to prolong their short years. And dogs could detect diabetes even in its early stages. Did the dogs smell the malady? Did they sense there was something wrong? Their only training was how to communicate their diagnosis to the physician or health care worker.

I know with my own two Cavaliers, when I am sick they are with me every moment. Interestingly, when I am sick, they "smell" me more than usual. They smell my breath, my ears, my nose, even my hands and feet. And they always lick my hands more frequently. Do they somehow know that "hand washing" is important when we are sick? Since I have worked in laboratories with highly infectious diseases, I know the value of hand washing and sterile technique, but do they? Or, are they just trying to make me feel good? (And yes, after a reasonable amount of time following their careful ministrations to my hands - I don't want to hurt their feelings - I do go and wash them with soap and water. While very few viruses "jump" species, it is still a good idea to wash after a dog-licking).

The last few days, the girls have been constantly with me, never letting me out of their sight. If I take a shower, they are there lying right outside waiting for me. If I am in the kitchen, they are patiently lying on the floor waiting to see where I go next. Even when I just don't feel like taking them for a long walk, or even playing ball with them, they seem to understand. They know that I am feeling very poorly. And they are watching me even when they seem like they are sleeping.

I feel so privileged to share life with such exceptional, selfless friends. I truly don't deserve it!

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