Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

The Harvest is Ready

With the sun shining, an afternoon in the house was not on the cards, so it was out for a wee walk around Dalmeny and the Ferry.

We headed out towards Dalmeny and then down to the fore shore where there were a plethora of folk out enjoying the sunshine and also the classic bikes and cars that all seemed to congregate there for the afternoon.

But is was on the way down that this field of wheat caught my eye.

Beautifully golden and ready to be harvested (a combine harvester was working in a nearby field and the smell was just fab!!) - a great time of year, a reminder of how all the hard work was worth it and the fruits of the farmers labours are rewarded when the grain is all brought in and stored (or sold) for the winter.

Its also great at this time of year when the sun is still warm - I'm looking forward to the week ahead as the forecast is looking good - enjoy your week!

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