Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


Well the day has come and the voting papers for the forth coming independence election have finally arrived.......and after much deliberation my cross was firmly marked in the YES box!

There have been many discussions over the past weeks, months, years over where your vote should be cast - A Yes to become an independent country or a No to remain within the Union.

I have many friends who have strong views on both sides...all putting up good and forthright views as to their point of view being the correct one - but when it comes to it, I firmly believe that Scotland should move forward as an independent country.

The ties with England, Wales and Northern Ireland will change but friendships will remain. Travelling to these countries will be just as easy as before and many holidays will continue to be taken "down south" (especially in Keswick).

But I believe that now is the time for us to govern ourselves and I could wax lyrical now about all the benefits an independent Scotland could have, and I'm sure that there will be those who chose to read this that will counter the claims that I will put forward and many who will chose to agree with my comments...but on this occasion I will chose not to comment any further on the matter.

I vote Yes with my head, I vote Yes with my heart but whatever the outcome may we all move forward with what the majority say and make this country of ours a fabulous place to live, work and play not only for us, but for our children and their children in turn.


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