Wetter than a...
...haddock's bathing costume.
Earlier this week I used that phrase in a comment on blip, and now here I am with the perfect opportunity to use it again. CarbBoy was swimming yesterday at a pal's house, and his swimming shorts and rash top were left out all night. This morning the air had a metallic heavy tang and, sure enough, the heavens cracked open with lightening and rain tumbled out. An inch or so in about 20 minutes.
Regardless, I still found dry soil 2 inches down when I came to plant the leeks this afternoon. Otherwise, a day of painting (we are not at the beginning of the end, but we are certainly at the beginning of the middle), school work (I somehow was volunteered to make the registers this year, mainly because the template is on excel and any 'computer stuff' is my business), and watching James Bond. I am pretending to be disapproving that we skipped some of the lame Roger Moore ones and restarted with Pierce Brosnan, but secretly I'm delighted. The kids certainly enjoyed 'Tomorrow Never Dies', and 75% of the crowd sniggered at the "cunning linguist" gag. Which is interesting.
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