Not a fairground prize
The fair's in town. Which means I have to cope with the normal provision of parking spaces being reduced from about 500 to 10, as well as the provision of whiny children nagging to go to the noisiest place on the planet to buy candy floss and plastic tat going up from 0 to 2.
This shot was going to be of the fairground the way I like them - deserted - but then I made this gussied up ratatouille this afternoon and that had to be blip. I'm never ever ever likely to make it again. (Unless, when we eat it tomorrow, it turns out to be brilliant.) This was before the final product: another layer of veg on top and then dressed with garlic and stuff. So, that's 2.5 courgettes gone...
Mr B is back tomorrow. I'm sure I remember promising that the courgettes would be gone by the time he was back...
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