Sadie Report

This one's pretty hard for us to believe. This shot was taken about 150 yards from our house, and we're pretty certain this is the first time Sadie has been out here. We didn't walk her here, mind you. We came home to find her there, hunting mice. To top it off, it was a 91 degree day, and yesterday I had written her off for a goner. I'm learning that with her it's literally a moment-by-moment deal as to her condition. We have noticed for some time that her mind has been affected somewhat. While she's normally a cat who likes it outside more than in, we would never in our wildest dreams imagine her walking this far, especially as sick as she's been. She came back pretty worn out, but she was hungry as a lumberjack too. She has lost SO much weight, probably one-third of her normal. I'm not holding out any solid hopes, but you can't count this tough gal out just yet.

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