I need a drink

So I spent Friday worrying....and thinking....being mad.....then happy....then hopeful....then mad again. oh dear...what a roller coaster. I do not like making big decisions, nor change. I'm a creature of habit. I want most things to stay the same. I'll update this journal when I feel comfortable sharing what the big decision is. Until then....send good thoughts. Everything is fine in my life....nothing bad or scary...just change.

After my long day, I really needed a drink...and since last night I had alittle of THIS! I thought...what the heck...I'll have a baby bunny mixed drink. I'd like to say that little bit of yellow liquid at the bottom of the glass is sparkling cider....but it isn't. tee hee...silly bunny!

Sugar Bear is still at my parent's house, and The Hubby and I had a quiet evening at home. I went to bed early. Worry makes me sleepy.

PS. no bunnies were harmed in the making of this blip!

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