Let's not Freak out or anything....

But this was my dinner.....and yes...it is rabbit! EEEEKKKKKK.....The Hubby came home and did what needed to be done...and dinner presented itself. Oh goodness.....I'm not sure I was ready for it....but it tasted great, and those pesky little rabbits that would NOT have made good pets had a purpose. Sugar was not home to try it...and I think she was glad for that. We are not going into the business of making meat rabbits in the future...if you were wondering.

My day started out with the words, "I had a brain storm!" coming out of the mouth of someone important in my everyday life. Then....things got crazy...and I was set on a path of contemplation. Goodness.....a big decision must be made. I think I'm going to lose some sleep over it.

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