
4years 304days

Her little friends mum sent me this as she settled to bed just before 1am, and it was the only photo she had of their time together so it's what we have for the blip!

They slept well, snuggled by each other. Katie woke first in the morning. She told me "she didn't wake up when it was morning and I wanted to talk to her but she just kept sleeping. I woke up when it was morning and she woke up then too. We went downstairs and she said she wanted the iPad". Apparently they had put nurse costumes to fix her mummy's arm. They ate well, played well and did some shopping before lunch.

They spent the afternoon at the ballet school. They danced to the nutcracker, tried on about 5 different costumes, cycled their bikes round the studio, played with the big girls and had a marvellous time.

I picked her up about 530. She fell asleep in the car, clinging to my hand. I expected her to stay asleep when I put her to bed but it was not to be. She wanted super big snuggles with me for a couple of hours before going to sleep. Tight up to me. Her verdict? "I was happy, Mummy, but I missed you".

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