
3years 304days

Taking careful trouble over watering our hopeful new lawn patch today. We may ditch the plan and gravel it if it doesn't actually germinate soon.

Katie went to nursery for a bit this morning. She went straight in talking about which of her special jobs she was going to get on with first and when I arrived midday they were all sat beautifully at tables getting on happily and calmly with a selection of activities.
were on our way to see Brooke. She ate a big snack and milk while we waited and went quite nuts when Brooke arrived. They played beautifully for a couple of happy hours, no bickering, lots of laughing and eating. And very fast running.

We made a quick stop at the post office and green grocer on the way home before an early tea and quite an early night for Katie bless her.

Katie's 3 things
We forgot to measure how big my plants were
The plants were still wet so didnt need more water
Lunch was delicious
She was very bouncy when I picked her up as we

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