
By CoffeePotter

Poppy Head

I thought I'd Blip this poppy head which is one of many in our garden.

I've been at work today, and barely stopped at lunchtime, so I've been nowhere apart from the office. I therefore decided to have a quick whip round the garden to see if there was anything remotely blip-worthy, when this little fellow caught my eye.

I thought it was called a "poppy head" so Googled it to make sure.

According to the Urban Dictionary, a "poppy head" is A slang term for someone who uses opium in any of its forms. Based on the word 'pot head' for marijuana users.

So the term "we have loads of poppy heads in our garden" could mean either
1. we are going to be inundated with poppies next year
2. we should be anticipating a visit from our local constabulary.

I do hope it the first option.

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