
By Purplepants

I can see the floor!

Alex co-operated in the cleaning up of his room today. which hasn't been touched for months, literally. I have not seen to floor for piles of junk extraneous boy 'stuff' in a long while.
I generally lose the will to argue about it and close the door - it is only him that has to go in there usually anyway. I just give him clean bedding and demand the dirty stuff and (sometimes) risk life an limb to inspect his bed-making skills, but retire speedily before I feel the urge to start a battle.

The trigger was a friend coming tomorrow for a sleep-over. I said only if he changed the bed, vacuumed dusted etc... in his bedroom TO MY STANDARDS whilst I scoured the shower and loo next to it.
It was a master class in action - he kept declaring 'finished' and I kept pointing out areas of grot things he had overlooked.

He seemed very pleased with the outcome though, funnily enough.
We did have a discussion about whether he wanted a change in décor (this was done when he was 7) but he was feeling sentimental about it (or couldn't face the upheaval maybe?)

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