bucks life

By bucksmiss

Catching up with myself

I had a quiet evening with C and S at theirs last night with a nice lentil and sausage dinner cooked by S with some time just sitting together and contemplating things afterwards.

I slept very well and got up for church at 9am at Chacombe, where I've never been before. It was a small congregation of mainly elderly women as is the way of many village churches these days, with a visiting priest, who was very good. His sermon was fascinating and prayers were just right for me today.

I then packed and left as they were going to a christening. I did a weekly shop then got home to a quiet, clean and empty house, which was just what I wanted after spending so much time with others lately. I changed my bed, made a fruit salad for dinner, did some post holiday washing and even watched a bit of rubbish telly.

Then I went swimming in the outdoor pool and was surprised to learn that I was their only customer all day. I therefore had the whole pool to myself, which I appreciated. I did some decent lengths and then some floating and tried to feel, but didn't really. My emotional brain is still switched to slow, unsurprisingly I guess as we are a little in limbo. I'm happy I understand that B has gone and that I'll miss her but I'm not really feeling anything right now. I'm summarising it as shock. I'm just going to keep taking things easy and spending time with the family.

I went to PPP+H for dinner. C didn't feel up to it as her back is hurting with her pregnancy. We had a good evening, talking about B and practical stuff as well as viewing their super Venice photos. It was good to spend time with P and P on my own and I've reassured them I'll call them if I need some support.

I left about 10ish. Tomorrow, we're going round to B's to collect some stuff. I'm not looking forward to it but I'm not not looking forward to it either. I'll just have to see how it goes.

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