Scenes from a Barn and Shed

11:00 p.m. Another day gone.

And, a bitter-sweet day it was.

We moved my little sister out of her farm-house, and into her new city house. Bitter, because it's sad to watch a marriage break up...especially when you love both people...sweet, because your family steps up to the plate...and helps.

We had myself, my brother, my little sister, my big sister, my daughter, my son, and my son-in-law. The three younger guys were our "hosses", continually not letting me carry anything heavy.

I guess there are some plusses to being older.

I'm sure my sister will miss the farm house. As will the rest of us. marches on.

Hope to catch up soon. SOOOO far behind. Going through one of those stretches where there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

The backdrop is the slats inside the dark barn.

P.S. Forgot to mention that Grandma (Mar-mar) performed the biggest job...staying at home with the little man Merrick.

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