The 'Bow After the Rain

There are so many colors in the rainbow,
so many colors in the morning sun.
So many colors in the flowers,
and I see every one.    Flowers Are Red, by Harry Chapin

How many colors are in a rainbow? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Let me tell you. There are 7. In order, it, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Now you know.

It rained here almost all morning, but then the sun tried to shine. The 7 color rainbow appeared right before the sun went down.

The house on the right belongs to my hiking buddy Doug. If you've never heard the song that I took the quote from, have a listen. Especially, if you are a teacher, or in education.

Harry Chapin (1942-1981)..he died too young.

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