The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Over the fields to Malvern

I walked today with some friends, old and new, on a guided walk from the Cotswold town of Winchombe out to Hayles fruit farm and Hailes Abbey (NT) back to Winchcombe. Our guide was Steve B, who is very knowledgeable, and actually leads tours around the Cotswolds. Lucky us!

We started with a pub lunch, which was a good way for me to catch up. Some of the guys and I worked together on a telephone helpline about 20 years ago. I quit in 1998 because of transport problems (the bane of my life!) but the helpline continued until 2011. It was great to meet some old faces, and make new contacts too. Thanks to Kevin P for nagging me for years, via Facebook and email, to come to a gathering. Some people don't know when to give up, thank goodness!

Over lunch I talked about cameras, then we set off on the walk. The weather was varied, veering from squally to balmy in equal measure. As fast as we put on our jackets, we took them off again. Steve B gave us a few pointers, but not too many, including a little trip into the beautiful Hailes Church with its indistinct frescoes.

At the tea shop/farm shop, I bought some Bramley Apple juice to take home. The Hayles brand is my favourite: it turns out they were at Stroud Farmers' market yesterday, but I was away tying pink woollen scarves to bushes at Aldermaston!

It was wonderful to walk again, and I may try and find a walking group. I joined the Stroud Ramblers once, but didn't like the "you're obviously very alternative" remarks when I tried to make conversation! Isn't that just another way of saying "you're obviously nothing like me, and I don't know how to deal with you"? Or maybe I am just too bloomin' sensitive!

This shot was taken from, er, a field, looking over towards the Malvern hills! I'll post some people shots and more views on my FB page, for those friends who want to see more.

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