The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Little Ted's Big Adventure

Bon Voyage, Little Ted!

Looks as if she is about to exit the newly painted shelves on a train with no engine. I fear for her safety.

The train and track belonged to my father in the 1930s. As kids, we played with them in the 60s and 70s.
The little ted is called Anemone, and was born in Lyme Regis in 1989.
The doll was made by my talented niece, Immy,when she was nine, and has been the subject of a fairly recent blip.

I met a friend in town today at the Lock Keepers' cafe. The service and the cakes were not up to much today but it is still a lovely space in which to converse. Afterwards I did the rounds of the cheap and cheerful shops, and came home intending to make a cake. However, I ended up trying to finish off the shelves, and made cauliflower cheese instead.

I think it may have been bad. My tummy feels awful now. Goodnight, blippers, goodnight.

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