Hissing Sid

Just a usual Friday at work, so not much to report other than we had a 'team meeting' at the pub at lunch time - well it's Friday and Sandra and Siobhan have both started this week, so it seemed only right :-)

It's been very warm and humid, but grey, and I'd only took a few, not very exciting photos, so I was hoping to be able to take some tonight on our walk with the boys. On my way home I phoned Alan to see if he fancied an Indian takeaway and he said that he'd got me a new pet - I was very intrigued but he said I had to wait until I got home.

Here he is, Hissing Sid the slow-worm. He looks like a little snake, and at first I didn't think he was real as he was so still and upright in the box, he looked like a copper ornament. Alan found him on our drive and wanted to keep him, but after reading up on them, they don't seem to survive in captivity, so we let him loose, but apparently in the wild they get eaten by foxes and badgers, so sadly he probably won't survive very long.

Anyway, we managed a very quick walk with the boys before it started to rain. Milou seems to like other dogs, and was trying to play with a little Bichon we met in the park, but Bobbie's not so sure and started barking again. When we got home, we took them straight out in the garden, so they've not had any accidents yet. And Bobbie's now found new place to sit and watch what's going on - the window sill!

Anyway, it's the start of the weekend - hope you have a good one, whatever the weather!

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