Wet day reading

It's great finding a really interesting book, finishing that book and being able to read another book by the same author.

When I was at Sydney International Airport, waiting to fly back to Christchurch, I purchased a book to read on the plane on the way home. Three hours sitting on a plane, and I'm hooked. I've managed to purchase two more books by the same author, and love going to bed early so I can read my book.

Unfortunately now that we are getting busy with calving on the farm, my spare time to read is diminishing and I try to use every spare opportunity that I have to sit down, relax and read my book. Today I read before going to work, and this afternoon when I got home, I made a cup of tea, sat down and enjoyed reading a few more pages.

It's wet, cold and windy outside tonight. Son C has been around the cows, and reported that we have had one more calve since Farmerboy got in for tea. I wonder how many more calves we will have in the morning?

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