
By Croft16

Gala Day..

..I've been a bit busy, so doing a "back blip" for yesterday.

This is the Ullapool pipe band, giving us a march around the football pitch, while playing stirring pipe music. It is hard to describe this sound. Close up, the pipes can be quite harsh, they are not an instrument to be played indoors. But from a distance, and en mass, they are just fantastic. I love them.

This shot shows a lovely sunny day, but during the setting up starting at 10, it was just a little wet. The pitch was soaked with 9 mm of rainfall, that's about 2 gallons per square metre. It didn't stop us..

Stalls were moved into the marquees. Some stalls were set up outside. And at the grand opening at 1, the clouds parted, and we had a mainly dry afternoon. There were a few showers, that had people diving to the beer tent for shelter (well, that's what they said!)..

I was running the Wheel of Fortune, and we covered the costs, and had 8-10 bottles left over.. We'll find a use for them I'm sure..

Tractors were judged, pipe bands piped, dancers danced, runners ran, drinks were drunk, and ropes were tugged..

A great day out, and we raised quite a bit of money for the changing rooms..

Will we do it next year, I think so.. A lot of work, and a lot of fun..

A dance in the evening to Wood 'n' Stone, and more money raised for the Hall too..

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