Back down to earth

Yesterday was the most fabulous start to the Summer holidays.
The kids were great, plans went to plan, I felt energised and all was well.

Today started well too.
After playing with (a LOT of) water over in Mums garden we went up to her allotment. Here's Miss B and Mum with her sweet peas, all very idyllic.

By 5pm Master B wasn't feeling too good.
By 8pm I was in an ambulance with him on route to A&E.
Temperature over 40, floppy, rash, headache; he even vomited for the first time ever in his life, everywhere.
By 11pm he was diagnosed as having 'a very nasty virus' but nothing sinister.
We stayed the night. Master B looking very small in his ward bed and me with stinking jeans covered in dried vomit, but I didn't care. Master B was going to be ok.

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