Hotel Stepping Hill

Awoke this morning rather bewildered after 3 hours sleep and a lot of to-ing and fro-ing throughout the night.

The first thing I saw was Master B grinning at me from his bed. It was clear he was still feeling very rough (normally he'd be vertical at 7 in the morning) but his grin was reassuring.

More checks, more confirmation that it was 'just a nasty virus' and by 12noon Master B was clearly coming round. Coming round enough to appreciate his situation. Mummy was running around after him giving him 100% of her attention. There was a bed to lay upon with as many pillows as required. There was a fan to cool his little body and ruffle his hair every few seconds... bliss for someone that hot for sure. There was no requirement to get dressed and lounging in underpants was actually prescribed. There was a table on wheels to house books and colouring and drinks and tissues, and he didn't have to move to reach it. There was a TV on a big arm which could be manoeuvred to any required angle... The boy had it good and he knew it. When asked by a Doctor if he wanted to go home he said "no"!!

Mr and Miss B came to collect us early afternoon and we were all home and together for tea.


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