Summer holidays - Day 1

Woke to happy kids.

Lots of playing and listening to the Frozen CD before making a card and picture for the Hazels and their new home.

Walk down to High Street via a session at Philip Howard Park.

Quick shop for ingredients then ice cream on the square from The Curly Cornet.

Another session at Philip Howard Park then a walk back home for dinner, a story and more play while I made a tray of Rocky Road.

Master Bs last 'fundamentals' gymnastics session and a special end of term bouncy castle surprise! Miss B was invited to join in, much to her delight! Master B got his second badge and certificate.

Home for icy drinks and more play.

Walk down the chicken run to the Hazels new house with baking and card etc. Kids played together and the Mummies had a good chat!

Back home for TV and tea, bath and bed.

Great first day of Summer. Energised and excited about life today, great contrast to the last couple of Summers! Bring it on!

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