A little bit of blue

We had the most awful storm today - we woke up to thunder, lightening and heavy rain. Fortunately where we live, we didn't have any flooding unlike some parts of Brighton and Hove, where lots of homes along the coast road were flooded. Both railway stations at Brighton and Hove suffered power failures after lightening hit so there were long delays.

It was Tannie's last day in work and as she lives in Worthing she didn't arrive until 11.45 am. I think if I were her, I'd have given up, but I'm glad she made it as we had lunch planned and of course we had her leaving gift to give her, which she loved. The sun finally came out at lunch time, although only briefly, and this is one of only a few photos I took today.

We went to look at another house tonight, which was very nice but too small, so it's another one off the list - three more to see tomorrow though!

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